Vedanta: seven steps to samadhi: Talks on the Akshya Upanishad ~ OSHO
You may love many women. That has its own significance,
because you come to know many types of personalities, and the more you know the
richer you are. But then to love one woman has a different significance,
because loving many women may be a vast, rich experience, but it is never deep,
it is always superficial. Depth needs time, depth needs a deep long contact. So
when you love one woman and you have settled, all the wandering of the mind has
ceased and now your desire never craves for anyone else, you can move deeply
with one person.
Now you can relate, now love can flower.
While making friendships and love with many women and men,
you may come to know many techniques, many experiences of sex, but you will not
be able to know love, what love is, because love needs seasoning. Just a
hit-and-run experience cannot be of much depth – it cannot be…
Vedanta: seven steps to samadhi: Talks on the Akshya
Ch # 17. Valleys and peaks 💕❤🙏
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